
         Il piantagrane


by : Giulia Abbate, Fabio Cherstich, Filippo Farina, Maria Porro

direction: Fabio Chersitch e Giulia Abbate

Set design and video: Maria Porro

with: Filippo Farina, Fabio Cherstich and Alberto Torquati.

Voice OFF: Filippo Timi

The protagonist is trapped in a machine-stage whose gears are turned by actors, mimes. Man is subject to this world’s transformations. Pieces of the mechanism continuously disintegrate but are rapidly replaced: card castles which rise like gigantic origami. The cardboard landscape is constantly changing while the waste of destruction grows on the sides of the stage. A large pop-up book made of cardboard skyscrapers and paper bulldozers, the sky a screen of rapidly moving pixel clouds. In this ephemeral world everything is covered by a layer of grey and objects appear like black and white copies of themselves. The only truth, the only form of life, are the trees and a man with a purpose, sowing seeds, perpetuating an act of resistance that subverts the logic of peer consumption and possession of nature.